Understanding Racial Bias and Unlearning Racism

Best Practices Towards Racial Equity

Research shows that racially diverse teams outperform non-diverse teams by 35%. Diversity and inclusion help companies to reach their goals faster and easier because of their cohesive team. This program delves into the science and history of racial bias to unpack practical solutions for today. After this program participants will be able to:

  • Understand where biases come from and how to confront them
  • Understand the impact of the historical and systemic racism
  • Gain the skill to create a diverse support group
  • Gain the skill to be an effective ally to people from different race and ethnicities

Program Overview

A Four-Session Series 


Session 1: Understanding Implicit Bias & The Science Behind It

This foundational session follows the filmmaker's journey as she navigates her biases. Start a conversation around what implicit bias is, why it happens, and what we can do about it.

Format: Film Screening + Q&A 

Session Duration: 90 mins

Film: Bias

Filmmaker and Speaker: Robin Hauser

Sample Session Objective:

  • Understanding the concept of implicit bias and its impact on our daily life.

Sample Discussion Questions:

  • What does implicit bias look like in the workplace and what are its implications?
  • What prevents people from recognizing and acknowledging their biases and how can they overcome that?

Session 2: Examining White Privilege

This foundational session explores the history of institutional racism and white privilege to enable discussion around how institutional racism manifests today as well as how to use privilege to support BIPOC and other underrepresented communities.

Format: Film Screening + Q&A 

Session Duration: 120 mins

Film: White Like Me 

Speaker: Tim Wise

Sample Session Objectives:

  • Gaining a critical and holistic view of the history of racism and systemic oppression

Sample Discussion Questions:

  • What are some strategies for having fruitful conversations around racism, privilege, and other sensitive topics like these (in general and in the workplace)?
  • How do you differentiate between implicit racial bias, racism, and structural racism?

Session 3: Racial Equity & Allyship In Business

In this inspirational session, follow the story of Whitney Young as he develops a community of support between folks from different backgrounds and discuss how that sense of inclusive community can be fostered at work

Format: Film Screening + Q&A 

Session Duration: 90 mins

Film: The Power Broker

Storyteller: Bonnie Boswell (Young's Niece)

Sample Session Objectives:

  • Develop skills and best practices in creating diverse community support at work

Sample Discussion Questions:

  • How can we build community support between people from different backgrounds in an organization?
  • What can we do to help the DEI initiative regarding racial equity sustains?

Session 4: What Is Effective Allyship?

In this activation session, hear the story of Joan Trumpauer as an active ally during the 1960s Civil Rights Movement and discuss what effective allyship should look like in the workplace

Format: Film Screening + Q&A 

Session Duration: 75 mins

Film: An Ordinary Hero

Speaker: Loki Mulholland (Joan's Son)

Sample Session Objective:

  • Developing effective allyship skills

Sample Discussion Questions:

  • How can one practice allyship in their daily life, at the workplace, and/or at home?
  • What are some best ways to show up as allies in the workplace these days that we all work from home?

Potential Program Facilitator:

Peter James 450x450 px
Shiva Mazrouei 450x450 px

Dr. Peter A. James (he/him) is an executive and leadership coach and facilitator with over 20 years of experience partnering with organizations and individuals. His training with the Diversity Executive Leadership Academy has allowed him to have a grasp of the diversity, equity, and inclusion challenges that organizations encounter. In addition, he is currently a faculty member of an executive coach diversity program which has also allowed him to create solutions for organizations and their leaders who desire to spearhead this initiative. Dr. Peter James holds an MBA and a Ph.D. in Organization & Management. 

Shiva Mazrouei (she/her) is a researcher, facilitator, and life-long learner with over 6 years of professional experience in international development, inclusion, gender equity and advocacy. Shiva has led multiple organizational assessments and learning sessions relating to equity, diversity and inclusion. She also led and carried out national research on women’s access to gainful employment, focusing on addressing the barriers faced by made-vulnerable women. Her previous research and speaking engagements have focused on ethics in research and public engagement, equity and inclusion in the workplace.
Shiva’s passion and work centre themes of equity, belonging, education, mental health, and her never-ending search for the next perfect cup of coffee.